Quiet has her own way of stealing a scene. She dims the sun and casts the garden in a blanched light. Marble shapes its bench and table out of stone that has sallowedlike a bridal gown keptin the...
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haunting...and of course with that lovely softness i feel so much in your peoms.regardsedenNavel Orange
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.yummy.an appetizer and a dessert.regards.neil.FREE PARKING-junk to jewels-post it here
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just beautiful wendy...the poetic description grabs me and doesn't let go in this one...
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Hiya Wendy Yes, that quiet way of stealing a scene whether it be in art or life, the quiet in a poema play, a painting, or a song where the singer doesn'trely on vibrato but a moving voice that sings...
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Dear Ray, Jill, Neil and KerriThank you all so much for reading and commenting on this poem. I deeply appreciate your keen impressions and thougthfull consideration. It means alot!my best to you...
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